Cad Wala

Laxmi 3D model murti

Original price was: ₹500.00.Current price is: ₹99.00.

A Laxmi 3D model murti refers to a pendant or charm depicting the three-dimensional image of the Hindu goddess Laxmi. These pendants are typically made using various materials such as gold, silver, or other metals, and they may also incorporate gemstones or other decorative elements.

These pendants are available in various sizes, designs, and price ranges, allowing individuals to choose the one that suits their preferences and budget. It’s always recommended to ensure the authenticity and quality of the pendant before making a purchase.

Laxmi 3D model murti

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By Cadwala

By Cadwala



Laxmi 3D model murti pendants are exquisite pieces of jewelry that beautifully capture the three-dimensional image of the revered Hindu goddess Laxmi. These pendants serve as potent symbols of prosperity, wealth, and good fortune, making them cherished pieces for devotees and those seeking Laxmi’s blessings.

The pendants are skillfully crafted to showcase a three-dimensional image of Goddess Laxmi 3D model murti giving a sense of depth and realism to the design.

These pendants hold deep spiritual meaning and are considered auspicious, symbolizing blessings of wealth, abundance, and prosperity from t

he goddess Laxmi.

These pendants hold deep spiritual meaning and are considered auspicious, symbolizing blessings of wealth, abundance, and prosperity from the goddess Laxmi.


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