Cad Wala

Two dancing girl murti 3D model using Jewlery designer.

Original price was: ₹500.00.Current price is: ₹0.00.

A dancing girl sculpture typically refers to a statue or artwork depicting a female figure in a dancing pose or movement.The style and interpretation of dancing girl sculptures can vary depending on the artist’s vision and cultural influences.

Two dancing girl murti 3D model using Jewlery designer.


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By Cadwala

By Cadwala



  • The dancing girl sculpture is an exquisite 3D artwork that captivates viewers with its elegant portrayal of a female figure in mid-dance.
  • The artist’s use of light and shadow adds an extra layer of dimensionality to the sculpture, accentuating the dancer’s movement and creating a captivating interplay between form and space.


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