Cad Wala

Vishnu murti different hand pose 3D model using Jewlery designer.

Original price was: ₹500.00.Current price is: ₹0.00.

A Lord Vishnu 3D pendant is a three-dimensional pendant featuring an image or representation of Lord Vishnu, a major deity in Hinduism.

Vishnu murti different hand pose 3D model using Jewlery designer.

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By Cadwala

By Cadwala



The Lord Vishnu 3D pendant is a unique and captivating piece of religious jewelry that portrays Lord Vishnu, the revered deity in Hinduism known as the preserver and protector of the universe.

: Wearing the Lord Vishnu 3D pendant symbolizes devotion and serves as a constant reminder of Lord Vishnu’s presence, providing spiritual solace and invoking blessings.


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